abuse, fighting, ruckus, and onslaught. go to http://thesaurus.reference.com/ for more :)
It is Violence
Instead of using glory, the correct word for the sentence is glorify.
Another Lesson in Violence was created on 1997-03-08.
Domestic violence Dating violence
Yes, the word violence is a common noun, a general word for a behavior or act in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury; a word for any violence of any kind.
No, the noun 'violence' is an abstract noun, a word for a behavior or an occurrence.
Aggression is probably the word you are looking for.
The Greek word for "Violence" is "βία".
The word violence is a noun form, a word for a behavior or act in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury; a word for a thing,Example uses:"I'm tired of this violence.""The violence was too much for her."
Violence begets more violence.
The word 'violence' is an uncountable noun.
It is impossible to understand the violence of radical fundamentalists.