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Q: What is a boy's name that is also a long pointed knife used as a weapon?
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Why the murder weapon may have not been the boys in Twelve Angry Men?

The weapon was a knife not the boys. Juror number 8, the protagonist, easily bought a similar knife to the murder weapon and planted a further seed of reasonable doubt.

In the lord of the flies what sort of weapon is jack using to hunt pigs?

The pleasure of hunting and killing pigs motivates Jack and makes him savage.

What is the knife a symbol of in Lord of the Flies?

it represents the safety that the parents would have given them because without the knife they are helpless and defenseless. Also, both boys want the knife because whoever has it is the strongest out of Ralph and Jack's groups. Whoever has the knife is superior.

Why do boys think about sex all da time?

Their hormones are more pointed to that subject

Are jacqueline wilson's books girl books?

A population of them are, but some of her books are pointed at boys too!

What rhymes with life's?

fife,knife,life,rife,strife,wifewife, strife, rifeStrife, wife, Syphe and knife.Strife means like a problem.Syphe is a boys name.wife-knifewifewife, knifeKnife and pipe.Strife, knife, wife.rife, strife, knifestrife, wife, you need to get a lifeWife, strife, knife, rife, fife.Wife strife knife rifeActually rhymes is not only for physically purpose but also for cyclically purpose like for timepass, to happy e.t.c.

What fashions did teen boys have in the 1960's?

Mini skirts , the Beatles hair cut, pointed shoes, and the hippie clothes were in.

What are similar artists to the Knife?

You'll really gonna like Junior Boys, Mstrkrft, Hot Chip, Vitalic!

What did Kevin Bacon give to the little boy in the movie The River Wild for the little boys birthday?

a pocket knife

What does bladen mean?

in english it means KNife or sword... although it orinated in israeli and means hero its usally a boys name.

How did the boys finally kill the pig?

The first pig is killed when it is injured by a spear and then driven into a waiting circle of boys who beat and stab it to death, Jack finally slits it's throat with his knife.

What did danish viking boys do for fun?

weapon-making, drinking, feasting, fighting, listen to/tell stories of Norse mythology...