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Q: What does adversial mean?
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How does the adversial system operate?

One side presents its arguments, reasons, evidence, and witnesses and then the opposing side gets its' chance to do the same. It's all done in front of a judge and/or an impartial jury of one's peers who will, after hearing all evidence and testimony, try to determine the truth of the matter.

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean

What does mean mean in statistics?

Mean is the average.

What does descriptor mean?

It mean what you don't what does it mean.

Is an arithmetic mean a weighted mean or a weighted mean an arithmetic mean?

The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.

Do you say 'what does it mean' or 'what is it mean'?

The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"

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The haudensaunee mean irguios

What does GRI mean?

What does GRI mean? What does GRI mean?

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

Does mean mean average?

No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.

What is a metaphor for being mean?

He is as mean as a copperhead snakeHe is as mean as an angry bearHe is as mean as a bottle of brandyHe is as mean a black woman

What is the present and future tenses of the word meant?

Present - I mean, She means. Future - I will mean, She will mean. Past - Meant.