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the samurai way of life is bushido, which means 'way of the samurai'. these were also rules they had to follow. if they didn't, they were forced to commit seppuku meaning 'cutting the belly', or better known as suicide. (they believed their heart was in their stomach, so cutting it would kill them. it seemed to work for them, so I'll let them be. :] ) hope that helps! =)

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12y ago
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13y ago

Zen Buddhism is very popular among the samurai class. Zen Buddhism explains self-discipline, respect, and ethical behavior. The samurai had an ethical code it was called Bushido. It made them swear loyalty to their lord. Samurai are so loyal they will commit suicide if their leader died this would be known as an honorable act. Samurai spend many hours meditating. Mediating was common in Buddhism. Many samurai meditate because they do not know how to read. They go through a lot of training everyday in promise of a better afterlife.

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11y ago

the day to day life for a samurai started of with a long dip in there bath then they would go play Call of Duty Black Ops 2 for the rest of the day then they would go to bed.

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12y ago

His sword and his armor. Also his pride.

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