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Nagato (aka Pain / Pein) has several jutsu:

  • Amplification Summoning Technique
  • Animal Path
  • Asura Path
  • Banshō Ten'in
  • Blocking Technique Absorption Seal
  • Chakra Propulsion Boots
  • Chibaku Tensei
  • Deva Path
  • Earth Release: Earth Style Wall (Anime only)
  • Five Seals Barrier
  • Flaming Arrow Missiles
  • Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability
  • Human Path
  • Laser Explosion
  • Magic Lantern Body Technique
  • Mental Barricades
  • Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique
  • Naraka Path
  • Outer Path
  • Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique
  • Preta Path
  • Rain Tiger at Will Technique
  • Sealing Technique: Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals
  • Shadow Clone Technique (Anime only)
  • Shapeshifting Technique
  • Shinra Tensei
  • Six Paths of Pain
  • Soul Removal
  • Summoning Technique (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path,Konan, Six Paths of Pain)
  • Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
  • Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave (Anime only)
  • Water Release: Violent Water Wave
  • Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm

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Peins Jutsu: Banshō Ten'in Chakra Disruption Blades Chibaku Tensei Fierce Raining at Will Five Seals Barrier Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability Illusionary Dragon Nine Consuming Seals King of Hell Magic Lantern Body Technique Mirrored Sudden Attacker Sealing Technique Absorption Seal Shapeshifting Technique Shinra Tensei Six Paths of Pain Soul Removal (Unnamed) Summoning: Demonic Statue of Heretical Doctrine Summoning Technique (Multiple) Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm x] He Also has The Rinnagan Eyes, Rinnegan: Nagato's[Pein] incredible power stems mainly from his Kekkei Genkai, the Rinnegan. This was originally possessed by the Sage of the Six Paths, the world's first ninja and the founder of modern ninjutsu. The Rinnegan's abilities are largely unknown, but it does allow the user to use all types of elemental chakra and allowed Nagato to master every technique Jiraiya taught him. It also enhances his vision of chakra in a similar manner to the Hyuga clan's Byakugan and Uchiha Clan's Sharingan, allowing him to see the chakra of barrier techniques around Konoha and the chakra gathered at the feet of Tsunade.

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What are peins moves?

Lord Pein's objectives are to make his kind of so called "peace" he wants to create an ultimate jutsu that can wipe out entire villages. for now, no one in the akatsuki knows of peins plans. The akatsuki are raising money so that they can become a village of their own. when the next great ninja war happens they plan to use a super jutsu (the ten tails) and destroy any certain village. pein is also planning to become the jinchuuricki of the ten tailed beast, making him the ultimate jutsu.

What is the population of Peins?

Peins's population is 270.

Will pein die?

Yes. Pein (or Nagato) dies after his encounter with Naruto. The reason I said Nagato was because Nagato is the one controlling all the Peins. After Naruto tells him his resolve and his look on pain and hate He was influenced and used a jutsu that brought everyon killed by the Peins back to life but it cost him his life. However, Jiraiya remained dead from his previous battle with Pein.

Did jiyarya defeat pein?

no pein or peins gone kill him because he is gonna fight with the six peins

What jutsu is Oiroke Jutsu?

the sexy jutsu

How many peins are there?


Is there a such thing as a jutsu?

There are many Jutsu styles. There is tai jutsu but majic is not real. JuJutsu Aki-Jutsu Karate Jutsu Jutsu means technique, an art of technique

What is all the justu Naruto knows?

Jutsu 1: Shadow Clone Jutsu Jutsu 2: Summoning Jutsu Jutsu 3: Rasengan

How to clean peins?

Soap and water.

What rank jutsu is reaper death seal jutsu?

It is S-rank jutsu

How can you have big peins?

Very bigg lol

Does a camel shake his peins at a mate?

I am not too sure what a peins is. Did you mean penis? If so, no. He does not. But he "shakes" or moves his tail up and down to signal what is on his mind.