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Most of the finishing moves in the WWE are:

Alex Riley: You're Dismisses

Batista: Batista Bomb

CM Punk: G.T.S

Daniel Bryan: LeBell Lock, Cattle Mutilitation

Darren Young: Modified Full Nelson Flapjack Facecrusher

David Hart Smith: Running Powerslam

David Otunga: The Verdict

Dolph Ziggler: Zig-Zag, Sleeper Hold, Leg Drop Bulldog

Evan Bourne: Airbourne

Goldust: Golden Globes, Curtain Call

Husky Harris: Running Senton

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Piledriver, Diving Fist Drop

John Cena: Attitude Adjustment, STF

John Morrison: Starship Pain

Mark Henry: World's Strongest Slam

Mason Ryan: Uranage Slam

Michael McGillicutty: McGillicutter

Primo: Backstabber

R-Truth: Truth-Axe, Lie Detector

Randy Orton: RKO

Santino Marella: The Cobra

Sheamus: Brogue Kick, High Cross

Ted DiBiase: Dream Street

The Great Khali: Punjabi Plunge, Khali Chop, Vise Grip

The Miz: Skull-Crushing Finale

Triple H: Pedigree

Tyson Kidd: The Code Blue

Vladimir Kozlov: Battering Ram, the Iron Curtain

William Regal: Regal Stretch, Knee Trembler

Yoshi Tatsu: Roundhouse Kick

Zack Ryder: Rough Ryder, Zack Attack

Alberto Del Rio: Armbar

Big Show: Knockout Punch, Chokeslam

Chavo Guerrero: Frog Splash, Gory Bomb

Chris Masters: The Masterlock

Christian: Killswitch

Cody Rhodes: Cross Rhodes, Silver Spoon DDT

Curt Hawkins: Inverted Reverse DDT

Drew McIntyre: Future Shock DDT

Edge: Spear

Ezekiel Jackson: Book of Ezekiel

Heath Slater: Sweetness

Hornswoggle: Tadpole Splash

Jack Swagger: Gutwrench Powerbomb, Ankle Lock

JTG: Da Shout-Out

Justin Gabriel: 450 Splash

Kane: Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver

Kofi Kingston: Trouble in Paradise, S.O.S.

Rey Mysterio: 619; West Coast Pop, Droppin' Da Dime, Diving Headbutt

Tyler Reks: Burning Hammer

The Undertaker: Tombstone Piledriver, Chokeslam, Last Ride, Hells Gate

Wade Barrett: Wasteland

The Rock: Rock Bottom, Peoples' Elbow

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin: Stone Cold Stunner

Mr. McMahon: Stunner

The Brian Kendrick: Sliced Bread No. #2, Dr. Smoothes' Secret Recipe

Shelton Benjamin: Paydirt

MVP: Playmaker, 305, Players' Boot

Mike Knox: Knox Out

Chris Jericho: Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho, Lionsault

The Hurricane: Hurri-Chokeslam, Eye of the Hurricane

Hulk Hogan: Atomic Leg Drop

Bret Hart: Sharpshooter

Finlay: Celtic Cross

Kaval: Warriors' Way, Tidal Wave

Jeff Hardy: Twist of Fate, Swanton Bomb, Xtreme Leg Drop, Whisper in the Wind

Matt Hardy: Twist of Fate, Super Twist of Fate, Xtreme Leg Drop

Kurt Angle: Moonsault

Mr. Kennedy: Green Bay Plunge, Kenton Bomb, Mic Check

Million Dollar Man: Million Dollar Dream

Rikishi: Stinkface

British Bulldog: Running Powerslam

Dusty Rhodes: Bionic Elbow

Tommy Dreamer: Dreamer DDT, Dreamer Driver

Umaga: Samoan Spike, Umaga Hip Attack

Shawn Michaels: Sweet Chin Music

Shane McMahon: Coast to Coast, Leap of Faith

Ric Flair: Figure-4 Leg Lock

Rob Van Dam: 5-Star Frog Splash

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka: Superfly Splash

Jake "The Snake" Roberts: DDT

Carlito: Backstabber

Chris Benoit: Diving Headbutt, Crippler Crpossface

Goldberg: Spear, Jackhammer

Diesel: Jackknife Powerbomb

JBL: JBL Powerbomb, Clothesline From Hell, Big Boot

Festus: Flapjack

Jesse: Cannonball Senton

Brock Lesnar: F-5, Shooting Star Press

Eddie Guerrero: Frog Splash, Gory Bomb

Shad: STO

Skip Sheffield: Wind-Up Clothesline

Michael Tarver: Tarvers' Lightning

Luke Gallows: 12 Steps

Billy Gunn: Fame Asser

X-Pac: Koronco Buster, X-Factor

Test: TKO

Booker T: Book End

Alcia Fox: Tilt-a-Whirl Gutbuster

Maryse: French Kiss

Kelly Kelly: K2

Michelle McCool: Wings of Love

Natalya: Sharpshooter

Eve: Moonsault, Standing Moonsault

Beth Phoenix: Glam Slam

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