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Q: Was xpac from wwf a martial arts expert?
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A night in chyna?

This was a Pornographic Film with Chyna and XPac former WWF (now WWE) Wrestling stars. The correct Title is: A Night in China. The Reason it is Spelt different to Chyna's Name is because the WWF at the time would not let her use her WWF Name but she has since Won Court Case and has changed her original name of Joan Marie Laurer to Chyna Legally as she as been know for over a decade.

Who were the main people in the invasion wwf vs wcw ecw?

when the WWE bought WCW they had a cross brand rivalry story line named the Alliance with WCW and ECW wrestlers the main characters in the invasion were Diamond Dallas Page ,Kanyon, The Dudley Boys, NWO black and white members with 123 Kid Xpac and others like Bill Goldberg and such

Was AJ Styles in WWF?

no he was not in wwf

Which is the heraldic animal in wwf?

The WWF stands for the World Wildlife Federation. The heraldic animal of the WWF is a panda bear. The WWF should not be confused with the WWE.

What WWE video game is yokozuna in?

Yokozuna is in many of the early WWF video games like the SNES version of WWF Royal Rumble, the NES version of WWF King of the Ring, WWF Raw, WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game, and WWF Rage in the Cage.

How R's in WWF and Scrabble?

There are no letter R's in WWF.

Is wwf coming back?

No WWF is now WWE

Who created the WWF logo?

The WWF logo is a panda with WWF underneath in big bold letters :P x

When was the WWF launched?

WWF was founded on September 11, 1961.

When did WWF LiveWire end?

WWF LiveWire ended in 2001.

Where is wwf international?

the wwf international is located in Gland, Swizerland

When did WWF Betrayal happen?

WWF Betrayal happened in 2001.