Slam attax title cards help you when you play the card game. if you read the direction's it will say you need 4 rows of 4 slam attax cards in each row. you also need to use ONLY raw,smackdown and ecw brand cards only. the title cards tell you what ppv your also need a title card to play. if you go to extreme rules you need to use one champion card one item card raw,smackdown and ecw cards and a diva plus a title and ppv card
Ryan is the best card he makes slam attax
You can buy Slam Attax at the quick sellers shop although there are a lot of cards there to trade with them and to give people cards.
there are 185 cards
i want gold cards and all the golds of slam attax want Champions SLAM attax Trading card game RUMBLE
you can buy slam attax cards at walmart and Target. You can also get them from and go to the entertainment tab.
at shops or markets
I don't know what kinds of slam attax cards your talking about but I do know there are exactly 219 slam attax evolution card's your talking about slam attax evolution the best advice I can give you is check go to entertainment home then go to slam attax trading card game. A picture of John cena and The Undertaker will pop up.Go look above the picture and go to checklist.
You can get Limited Edition cards in Kraze Club magazine, WWE Kids magazine and inside the Slam Attax Starter Pack.
you can buy slam attax cards at walmart or target stores you can also buy them off of on you go to entertainment and click on it.if you want slam attax cards buy a starter set or a collectors tin those will help alot!
no one made slam attax
rock is in the slam attax but is is very rare