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Simple answer: No, though at least one politician calls for a law allowing students to carry arms.

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Q: Is it okay to take pepper spray to school for self defense?
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Would this of been okay Someone Threatened to beat up your boyfriend then proceeded to get closer would if of been okay to pepper spray or use a stun gun on him?

If someone threatened to beat up your boyfriend don't get close to him pepper spray will do.

Is self defense in middle school in Lubbock Texas against the law?

No. Self defense is always okay. If somebody messes with you, feel free to beat them up.

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it is okay to spray her. as long as it is a clean spray bottle, and if you're not sure you can even buy a new one. and make sure it is water that you are spraying

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It depends what body spray. He should be okay as long as it wasnt a lot.

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Two spritz or one is okay

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If you can't figure out how just by looking you really shouldn't be doing it. Trust me on this one, okay?

Can a Windex spray bottle squirt paint?

no because it is too thick too Process through the spray container. water colour paints are okay!

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No water. Just replace them.

When you skip school and have to go to court?

Okay, skipping school once is understandable.But all of the time is not okay, and if your absent over 7 days without an excuse, they can make you go to court. They only way you can skip school for long periods of time is to get a court order and you need 3 solid defense's and reasons why. Also, when you skip school they call your parents to tell them that you werent there. Hence the "They call your parents" Theres always a downside to skipping school and cutting classes.

How is hair spray used?

open mouth spray on tongue rinse and repeat okay for one this is not how hair spray is used... its ment to go in your hair no in your mouth..... and its to style your hair I'm sure your not styling your tongue..!!!

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You sure do what you have to do to save your life if attacked by a shark.

What is a good BODY spray-- I've heard that TAG is a good one---- is it good or not ------ I've also heard that RGX is okay--- tell me what body spray is good for MEN and i prefer NOT AXE.?

Lynx Chocolate. -Drools-