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Q: Is an anaconda stroger than komda dragon?
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Are babies stroger than 10 year old kid?

No, a baby is not stronger than a 10 year old kid.

What are the characteristics of a anaconda?

The yellow anaconda is yellow and has black spots. It is much smaller than the green anaconda.

What are the characteristics of a yellow anaconda?

The yellow anaconda is yellow and has black spots. It is much smaller than the green anaconda.

What is more dangerous a cobra or an anaconda?

i thing an anaconda is dangerous because it is greater than cobra so, anaconda is dangerous

Is a rottweiler stroger then all the dogs?

Rottweilers are stronger than all the other dogs, except for mastiff breeds.

How much does a baby anaconda weigh at birth?

It depends if your talking about a green anaconda that will weigh a lot more than a yellow anaconda

Which is more deadly a cobra or an anaconda?

Although an anaconda is bigger than a cobra: one ounce of a cobra's venom can kill more than 20 adults. Anaconda is less deadly

How much longer is anaconda than a python?

On average, the green anaconda is 2 ft longer than the reticulated python.

What is the difference between green anaconda and anaconda?

There are many Boa species and the Anaconda is one of them. It's alternative name is 'Water Boa'.