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yes...elijah burke from wwe is the wrestler from the pope from TNA.

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Q: Is Elijah Burke from WWE also the wrestler the pope from tna?
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Is Elijah Burke on TNA?

Yes, Elijah Burke is on TNA. In TNA he is known as "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero.

Who is the pope di angelo dinero?

it is Elijah Burke

Who is the pope from tna wrestling?

D'Angelo Dinero but his real name is Elijah Burke.

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No, Pope Gregory the Great .was also known as Pope Gregory I.

What other title does the pope have?

The pope is also known as the Bishop of Rome.Holy Father

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How did Pope Stephen what? I am not a psychic. Also, I need to know which Pope Stephen you are referring to as there are a number of them.

Was Gregory I a pope?

Yes, he was also known as Pope Gregory the Great.

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Pope Leo became the Pope in 1513, his name also changed from Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici to Pope Leo.

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No, there was never a pope named Alexander Sexton. There was also a Pope Alexander Sextus meaning Pope Alexander the Sixth (VI).

How do you spell the pope's name?

Pope Francis, also known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

What number is after Pope Francis' name?

Since Pope Francis is the first and only pope by that name, there is no need for a number after his name. If a pope in the future also decides to take the name Francis, he will become Pope Francis II and then the original Pope Francis will become Pope Francis I.

Did Pope John Paul XXIII have a child?

There was a Pope John XXIII, a Pope John Paul I and a Pope John Paul II but not a Pope John Paul XXIII. None of them had any children. There was also Pope John XXIII. None of them were married or had any children.