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No, it is a Martial Art focused on defence, and harmony with your attacker.

While it does let you get the upper hand over your opponent, most of the techniques learned are arm locks/ breaks, or throws.

You could use the knowledge from Aikido to kill someone, but there are no 'killing moves' taught in Aikido.

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Is Aikido harmful to the enemy?

Aikido was designed so that both the attacker/enemy and the person defending do not get hurt during a conflict. Aikido is a way to resolve conflict as soft and peaceful as possible. Just like any art, once the student knows the art, they also have control over how much they apply a control or lock on a person. Many of the Aikido techniques can be deadly however they are not practiced that way. The level of punishment that you put upon a person is up to you once you know the technique.

Who is the cousin of Aikido?

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Is Aikido Korean?

No. Korea does have a similar martial art, but Aikido is Japanese.

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Aikido Buyukan and Aikido Ryugikan are two different dojos practicing Yoshinkan aikido in the Durham region of Southern Ontario. As of right now, only Aikido Ryugikan remains open and is run by Graham Stewart Sensei, a Honbu trained Godan, (5th degree black belt.)

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When was Hiroshi Kato - Aikido - born?

Hiroshi Kato - Aikido - was born in 1935.

What are some details about The British Aikido Board?

The British Aikido Board represents all credible Aikido organisations within the UK. It also helps to raise awareness of the sport of Aikido and the health benefits to all individuals as well as providing marketing and insurance for the clubs.

How many countries is aikido practiced in today?

Aikido is taught all over the world. It is not known exactly the official number of countries that it is taught in. There are many international Aikido associations, organizations, and affiliations that can be accounted for however, there are many Aikido training places which are independent/private and are "unaccounted" for. The website currently lists around 110 countries which Aikido is taught in.

Is aikido similar to taekwon-do?

No Taekwondo is a respect sport while aikido is a sport which is a last man standing.

Where can you learn Aikido in Australia?

Austrailia has some great Aikido classes in SydneyI highly recommend this first link. Hope this helps.Aikido Yoshinkai NSW Aiki Association Kenkykai Sydney

Aikido is the ancient Japanese art of what?

Aikido is not an ancient art. It was founded in the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba. It is off of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu. Aikido is often translated as"the Way of harmonious spirit."

Are there any Aikido classes in Kailua Hawaii?

There is the Kailua Aikido Club located at the kokokahi YWCA in Kaneohe. are a ton of Aikido Dojo in HonoluluCheck out and click on dojo search