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The Spitfire is a much more famous aircraft than the Hurricane and in so many ways was undeniably superior.

The Spitfire was faster, considerably faster and was far better constructed. The Hurricane, however was far more maneuverable, had a greater range and a higher operating ceiling.

The Spitfire had 8 machine guns whilst the Hurricane had a mere 4. The Hurricane was outdated before it even saw service and was effectively a follow on to First World War airplanes where as the Spitfire was the first of a more modern style of plane.

All things considered it would be a very close thing. In the end it would come down to the pilots involved. The Hurricane was outclassed by virtually all the German craft it faced and yet still won through. The Spitfire too punched well above its weightclass.

It should be easy. It should be the Spitfire. Instead we are declaring it a draw and are putting it down to the pilots on the day.

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Q: If a Hurricane had a dog fight with a Spitfire who would win?
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