Try to login to your account from another computer. If that doesnt work, you could try your luck and see if support can still help you, but if they gave you a final answer, then they won't help you.
report them
When you see though walls. Don't try it. It's hacking and you'll get banned for it.
The answer is you should NEVER hack or cheat in any game. You will just get banned. Don't do it.
sở thú·
no. But you can just use any auto-typer. I don't recommend it though, you will be banned swiftly
Please Unlock My Account in crossfire User Name: Rico741x
24 hours, permanent if banned too much
between 5 minuets and permanent, depends on what you did to get banned.
Crossfire xaviertrondasoncoseidwehanfugcutrucresk
No, their are no cheats for crossfire.
it hasn't been banned.