

How to throw a proper punch?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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A punch is deemed proper if it makes contact and delivers the force you intended. In order to do this the first most important aspect is your stance, or the planting of your feet (square with your shoulders). If you have a well balanced stance you won't lose your balance when you make contact. Then, a good punch is delivered with force, if it is to have the right impact. :**) A proper punch will have the majority of it's force at the point of impact, but some left over to "go past" the point of impact as in 'punching "through" the target. A very important part is the part of your body to make contact, we'll say the 'fist' this time. The 'fist' is your 4 fingers rolled tightly into your palm, with your thumb clamping around the index and middle finger. Once this is in place make sure that when you thrust your fist that the back of your hand is level with your wrist and on up through your forearm, for consistant delivery of the force and to not hurt yourself due to your wrist giving away. The true power of your punch is going to come from your abdomen and upper torso. So if you can cause twist and flexion at the point of the thrust of your fist you will have more 'impact'!. The last part is: it make take more than one 'punch', so if you have the other 'fist' ready and can thrust a punch w/o throwing your shoulders you will be able to deliver more punches in rapid succession. If you don't intend to go this far to start with, use your legs first.

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