Randal "Randy" Orton is 37 years old (birthdate: April 1, 1980).
Randy Orton is 35 years old as of 2015. His birthday is April 1st, 1980.
he was only 20
Randy Orton will not leave WWE because his grandfather and father are a hall of famer in WWE.Orton may not leave WWE because Randy Orton is being used in WWE very well. There is no chance in hell that Randy Orton will leave. He's only 30 years old, he's a third generation wrestler, and a future hall of famer with out a shadow of a doubt. He wont be leaving any time soon.
i think its 18 It doesn't matter how old u are. Randy Orton joined at the age of 20
Ronnie Garvin.
he probbaly will i dont know but my answer is no
Randy Orton born on April 1, 1980 and his current age is 30 years.
Right now in 2015, he is 35 years old, he is turning 36 on April 1st, 2016.
Randy Orton is currently being billed at a height of 6 ft 4 inches in the WWE which I think is his real height too. WWE has no reason to fake the height of wrestlers. Orton is a former multi-time WWE and World Heavyweight champion and is one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE. He is currently feuding with Big Show along with Sheamus.
Randy Orton was born on April 1st 1980. He debuted in the WWE in March 2002 which means, he debuted at the age of 22. He has been a WWE wrester for more than a decade. He is one of the top wrestlers in the WWE and is a multi-time WWE and World champion.
Randy Orton is 29 in SvR 09
Randy Orton is straight, & married to Samantha Orton. Not to mention he has a one year old daughter.