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Q: How many championship belts does randy ortan have?
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How many belts has randy ortan had?

Randy Orton has held a championship 7 times in the WWE: World Heavyweight Title 1 time, World Tag Team Title 1 time (with Edge), Intercontinental Title 1 time, and the WWE Championship 4 times.

What is the name of RKO?

it is based on randy ortans real name randy kieth ortan many wwe fans do not know that. many people think that rko stands for randy killer ortan. because the move is so hurt full

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01 time

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Where can one find pictures of WWE championship belts?

A search on Photobucket yields many pictures of WWE championship belts. Wikipedia also has images of championship belts. Lastly, the official WWE website has pictures of championship belts, as well as replicas for sale.

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He has won the Interconiental Championship, World Tag Team Championship with CM Punk and United States Championship

How many wrestling belts are there on WWE and what are they called?

current championships: wwe championship wwe world championship wwe united states championship wwe tag team championship wwe world tag team championship wwe womens championship wwe divas championship retired championships: wwe hardcore championship wwe light weight championship wwe European championship wwe million dollar championship wcw cruiserweight championship wcw cruiserweight tag team championship wcw hardcore championship wcw television championship ecw championship ecw world tag team championship ecw ftw world championship ecw television championship ecw Maryland championship ecw Pennsylvania championship all together 21 championships