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Q: How many attacks is isis responsible for?
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Who is responsible for the terror attacks?

Terror attacks can and have been carried out by many individuals and groups. There is no single person or organisation responsible

Was ISIS responsible for the breakup of The Beatles?

No, ISIS didn't exist yet when the Beatles broke up.

Will President Obama attack Isis?

President Obama has already ordered attacks against Islamic State/ISIS targets inside Iraq, and his administration is looking into the feasibility of attacks against targets of the same terrorist group in Syria.

How many people have Isis killed?

Estimates vary, but it is believed that ISIS has been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people, including civilians, security forces, and others targeted by the group in the areas under their control.

How many pages does Sisters of Isis have?

Sisters of Isis has 288 pages.

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The Guardian of Isis has 140 pages.

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Isis was an Egyptian God therefore worshiped by many

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he was responsible for the nine eleven attacks

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Isis had a son named Horus.

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for for trying to fight his race and also was responsible for lots of lives in many terrorist attacks

Is isis a global problem?

Yes, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has posed a significant global threat due to its violent extremist ideology, terrorist activities, and efforts to establish a caliphate. The group has carried out attacks in various countries, recruited members from around the world, and used social media to spread propaganda and inspire individuals to carry out attacks on its behalf. Efforts from multiple nations and international coalitions have been made to combat and diminish ISIS's influence and operations.