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Ignore him. If he comes up to you and starts tease you just walk away. Or if he comes up to you and says your ugly just laugh and say thanks and just keep walking. I hope I helped you

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Q: How do you stop fighting with your brother?
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Try and get them to see each other's point of view. You can also sit them down and have them talk about it. Fights are often caused from communication problems.

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Sibling Rivalry I Think brother and sister love

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go in the cave in the same town and there is a person there and talk to him and thay will stop fighting

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the word that means to stop fighting is called an armistice

How do you make my mom dad brother stop fighting?

cry and say please just stop,stop fighting say is it my fault say I'm starting to believe its my fault if he don't stop say i give up i never want to talk to you again and yell (I HATE YOU) and stamp your feet while walking away ... be wise while doing it.