

How do you get sharringan?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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13y ago

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you have to be an uchiha

kakashi got his sharringan from his comrade, obito uchiha

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spoilers. yes he does get his mangekyo after he kills itachi

Who taught Sasuke the saringhan?

sasuke is a member of the Uciha clan and the Sharringan is in his blood line. he learns it on his own.

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Even they haven't fought each other but definitely Madara is stronger than Kakashi. Kakashi has the mangekyou sharingan whereas Madara has the eternal mangekyou sharingan. Even Madara said that Kakashi's techniques won't work on him.

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I would say Madara because he really is the only evil one in the series. Everyone else just has the wrong ideas about going at things. Akatsuki was created to try and stop war and make peace but they we found as a threat to the great nations. Madara just wants to destroy the leaf village out of his own greed and ambitions. -and orochimaru was really evil with all the test subjects and taking over people's bodies and he wanted war everywhere for fun. but he was kinda weak comepared to the uchihas. and the akatsuki were killing jinchurikis to get their power. and itachi and madara wanted to take their brother's eyes to gain a new sharringan and they killed their clan (madara helped. itachi didnt do it all).

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Rinnegan, Sharingan, and the Byakugan are diffrent techniques in the show naruto. Pain (Akatsuki leader) has Rinnegan, and sasuke has sharningan,mongekeo sharringan .naruto has sage mode.Neji and Henata have Byakugan no, the leader is not pain he is just one of the puppets the leader of the Akatsuki is nagato.No pain is 7diffrent puppets even the real one is a puppet now. Pain is not the leader of the Akatsuke, Madara Uchiha is. the one with the mask and the one eye. Who is really the original Uchia. the first person that had all the eyes is the rikudo sage bow to my aswsome might weapeons? Its Madara Uchiha. There are not just 3 there are 6 Rinnegan, Sharingan, Byakugan, sharingan ancestor, infinity tsukuyomi and ranmarus eyes

How did obito not die?

well, i dont think so... but all i have is a theory.oh and if you dont know who obito is... he was in kakashi's squad andwas an exceptional uchiha. yes i said he was an uchiha. he supposedly died on a mission. this is where my theory comes in. so my theory is that zetsu ( leafy akatsuki thing) found the dead-ish body of obito and had kakuzu ( immortal-ish akatsuki) sew him back together. then he put madara uchiha's soul in the body. and that explains his double personality. currently he is in the akasuki and his name is tobi. obito+madara=tobi

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Who the strongest of Naruto?

Ichigo Kurasaki and me -out of the chunin: -it depends on how you look at it. team kakashi- naruto- he can make like 1,000 shadow clones and uses the rasengan and with his toads he can use fire and water jutsu. he lacks genjutsu. sakura- in shonen jump she was lame and had no talent. put in shippuden she has amazing strength (almost as much strengh as tsunadae the 5th hokage who trained her). and she is probably the second best medical ninja (first- tsunadae). she has no genjutsu. but she has tai and medical ninjutsu. sasuke (if he still counts)- he was able to kill orochimaru and itachi. and his chidori is amazing and he has his fire ball jutsu and his sarringan. so i guess he has genjutsu because i think he got his mangeko sharringan so he might have gen jutsu. and he has taijutsu but not as much sai (guess he counts)- not sure what you'd call his attacks. i guess ninjutsu. he draws things (mostly animals) and the come to life and attack. he doesnt have genjutsu and is weak on taijutsu. so i guess sai is the weakest of team kakashi cause he relies on his drawings. not his own strength. team kurinai- kiba- he has the best since of smell. he does everything with akimaru. he has no genjutsu and he uses tai and nin jutsu for his fang over fang jutsu. hinata- she has her byakugan so shes pretty good. but she's really shy or at least around naruto. and she doesnt believe in herself. but with her byakugan she can block her enemy's chakura and she can shield herself. and she can look through things and look at people's chakuras. shino- he's kind of creepy. he has like a billion paresedic insects living in side of him. his tai jutsu is not great and his bugs do everything for him so from team kurinai i guess the toughest is kiba and he is the most distructive. and hinata has the best chakura control team asuma- shikamaru- he has his shadow possession jutsu, shadow sewing, and shadow strangle jutsu. I'm not sure what that would be under but i guess ninjutsu. he isn't very strong and his shadow possesion jutsu lasts for only 5 minutes. and he's the laziest ninja ever! but he is the smartest in the village. he has an IQ of over 200. choji- he's the slowest ninja and he's a little chubby (more than a little acually). he uses his human boulder and expansion jutsu. he's sort of destructive. ino- she's a medical ninja but not the best. she's good but not great. she uses the mind transfer and mind destruction jutsu. ino is the weakest of team asuma but she has good jutsu. shikamaru isn't strong but he's the smartest so i guess choji's the toughest. of the team. team gai- lee- he has no chakura. all he uses is taijutsu and no nin or gen jutsu. but he endures the most and is the strongest in strength (besides sakura). he pushes himself and he can do lots of crazy stuff like do 1,000 finger pushups or take 200 laps around the village on his hands. tenten- probably the weakest chunin. she has no streangth, gets tired too fast, cant control her chakura well enough to be a med nin, and all she does is summon weapons and throws them. she doesnt have a good aim either. neji- probably the best one. he's beaten less tons of times. neji is 10 times stonger than hinata and probably 2 times stronger than his uncle. he became a jonin at about 15 years old. he has the byakugan too and he has the same powers as hinata and more. so neji is the strongest of the team. tenten is the weakest. and lee is the best at tai jutsu. sand team (don't know their sensai's name) gaara- the weakest jinchuriki with the one tailed sand monster shukaku. but he's still stong. he's only gotten hurt about 3 times in his life. he wears sand armor that's almost impossible to break. but he has his sand do everything for him. he became kazekage at about 14 years old. as kazekage, he has to be tough. he's the srongest person in the sand village. he has high defense and offense but not much taijutsu and no genjutsu. tamari- she's tough but she relies on her fan, not on strength konkuro- his jutsu is lame. he uses puppets to attack and kill his ememies. he doesnt really have any strength. so gaara's the strongest. and konkuro is the weakestof the team. so its between sasuke, naruto, hinata, kiba, choji,neji, and gaara.

Does Kakashi ever die?

yes, kakuzu dies between episode 85 and 92 BUT!WARNING!SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His creatures (the lightning one) goes into Kakuzu giving him life yet again!YAY!(He has 5 hearts but now only has 3)