Yes, they do.
There's nothing as such call Fake Mark Sheet. Study well and Score Top.... Nick Singh (FB.Founder) Thanks
No it is not fake also it is AICTE approved. It provides quality education. Join the courses today. Contact TIIME College Of Engineering Belgharia Kolkata. they are offical study centre of ICE and IME
A fake bag will have poor stitching and will be lightweight if the leather is fake. Leather also has a distinct smell. Real bags have distinct logos on them. Study them to make sure every logo is the same all over the bag.
No, this is a scam to sell worthless study guides and collect personal information. The scam occurs under many different company names that are fronting as HR placement firms. They currently lead to Harrison Study Guides and Study Guide Warehouse where these fake documents can be purchased. Do not give them any money or information, the job postings are fake and no legitimate placement firm will ask for money to take a placement exam.
The best possible way to be awarded with a CXC certificate is to get in School/Educational Institution, obtain your desired sub. study hard and pass ! :)
no it s fake but it s big and beautiful
fake and all the youtubers post fake content on youtube of 3am
Fake (verb) To fake your death. Fingir. He fakes - el finge Fake (Verb) To fake some one out. Engañar (fool/deceive) Fake (Noun/adjective) This is a fake. This is a fake diamond. Falso (false)
no u.s.p.a is not fake all of them not fake stupids
You get them from the fake meat or fake chicken fatory.