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looks like about 22 inches to me

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2 feet

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1 foot

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Q: How big is Triple H?
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Does Triple H really hate big show?

No we hate triple h stephanie from turning heel

How big is Triple H nose?

It is B.I.G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he is C.U.T.E

Who is better looking Triple H or big show?

big show, triple h is just not attractive. Big SHow maybe be fat and big, but he's a handsome large man. HHH is just an old fart.

Who is stronger Triple H or undertaker in wwe?

same because undertaker lifts big show and khali but triple h lifts 450lbs bench press which is big show weight triple h has lifted big show up for the spine buster or pedigree and undertaker tombstone on mark Henry

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Which is stronger Triple H or the undertaker?

the undertaker is stronger than triple h becuz he can lift up the big show and the great khali

Can Triple H pick up big daddy v?

yes he can

Who is Better Than Big Show Or Triple H?

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How did Big Show knock Triple H out?

why stephanie mcmahon fried and doubleslap the big show

Who will win the fatal 4 way out of Triple H Randy Orton john cena and big show for the WWE championship?

maybe john cena or triple h

What is triple h nationality?

Triple H is American

Is undertaker stronger then Triple H?

no actually some say undertaker because he can pick up big show have u seen raw Friday night where triple h beat big show doing a spine buster