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Q: Fighting between two or more groups or regions in the same country is?
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Fighting between different groups of people within the same country?

answer is CIVIL WAR

What does the term Bleeding Kansas describe?

the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.

How was fighting between Indian groups good for the europeans?

they took their furs

Fighting between ethnic groups is called?

Inter-ethnic strife.

What is a conflict between two or more groups within a country is called?

conflict between two or more groups within a country?

What is the nature of war?

Two groups of people in the same country fighting against each other

What is a brief description of a Civil War?

A civil war is where the opposing sides belong to the same country or region, as opposed to fighting a foreign country. A war fought between people from the same country: e.g the English civil war

What does the bleeding Kansas describe?

the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.

What two immigrant groups largely settled in the back country regions of the colonies?

The Germans and the Scots-Irish

What are the regions?

the regions are the groups of statesin the world

What is fighting between ethnic groups called?

Inter-ethnic strife.

How does war happen?

Usually, but not always, it starts with a dispute between countries, or groups within a country, which subsequently becomes violent. ... Examples of a necessary war might be defending your country against foreign invasion, or fighting a revolution against an unjust government.