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Q: Does Triple H use a real sledge hammer?
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How do you use sledge in a sentence?

example there was a sledge hammer

What do gem cutters use?

sledge hammer

Children use the sledge to play on the snow?

They use a sledge but it has nothing to do with a sledge hammer! A sledge and sleigh are very similar... in fact, I could not tell you the difference between the two. There's also toboggans.

Using a sledge hammer to crack a nut?

An inappropiate use of force

What do you use to turn concrete into gravel?

jack hammer, sledge hammer, lots of time, lots of work

How do you use pound in a sentence?

I used a sledge hammer to pound a wooden stake into the ground.

How do you jack a slab?

with a jackhammer is the easiest way. You can use a demo hammer or even a sledge, but why?

How do you use mallet safely?

Watch your fingers, and dont have your face and the hammer in a direct line. Don't use a 1 lb. hammer for a 10 lb. job.(claw hammer as opposed to sledge hammer)

Who invented the sledge hammer and when?

The sledge type hammer is thousands of years old. The original purpose of this type of hammer was probably to break rocks in mining operations. No one actually knows who invented it.

How do you use impact screwdriver?

You place it carefully on the screw and hit it with a heavy hammer ( I use a 2 pound sledge)

How do you remove a 1993 tempo console armrest?

if you don't plan on using it again, you could use a hammer. If a hammer doesn't cut it, you can use a sledge hammer. Just be careful not to break any windows on your back-swing.

How do you use sledge hammer in Tekken 6 PSP?

press LP+RK+LK.