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Q: Do Big Show hate John Cena?
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Who won john cena or big show?

john cena :)

Who will win at extreme rules john cena or big show?

John Cena will be the winner. Big show suks

Is john Cena Cena better the big show?

Well this would all depend weather or not you like john or the big show but yes John Cena is better

Is john cena better than big show?

actually big show is large and strong but john cena is better than the big show he had win a lot of tittle than the big show Jialiang123456789: Big Show is better because John Cena got beat up by a wrestler weaker than Big Show.

Is John Cena friends with Batista real life?

I think they are friends because thy are going hate big show

Who win out of John cena and John laurranites?

big johnny big show ineferd so cena lost

Who had beaten Big Show?

John cena

Has john cena picked big show up?

yes, john cena has picked up the big show and has given him the AA (additude adjustment)

Did john cena beat big show?

Yes big time. At WM 20 he beat the big show for the united states title.Wich was John Cena's very first title. And also hes beaten the big show thousands of times. Cena Rocks From GianLuca Rufo one of the biggest John Cena fans.

Did big show win the triple threat match against edge and john cena?

No John Cena won Cena won by double f-uing big show and edge at the same time by lifting edge and big show on top of him.

Who is John cena's opponent in 2012 no way out?

The Big Show is John Cena's opponent in 2012 No Way Out

Is big show jelouse of john cena?
