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Q: Did nxt stars attack undertaker in stortline?
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Did nxt rookies hurt undertaker?

No, the NXT Rookies, (aka. Nexus) did not hurt The Undertaker.

Is kaval from nxt season 2 going out with Michelle laycool?

No Michellle is married to The Undertaker in reality

How did the Undertaker get hurt?

by a shoulder went out of place and then someone left him in a vegative state i think the nxt rookies did from season 1

Which super star hurt the undertaker 2010 is he comiing back?

i think it was the first season of nxt wrestlers they are nothing but thugs and don't deserve contracts

Is john cena all right after the attack from the nxt rookies?

Yes, john Cena is alright after the atack of the NXT Rokies.He will return to Monday Night Raw on June 4, 2010.

Kane had found undertakers body in a vegetation state what happened?

the nxt season 1 rookies beat up the undertaker and Kane is going to beat up all of them

When will undertaker return in 2011?

February 21st 2011 i was watching a WWE Commercial you can see it tonight (11/02/2011) on smackdown because its been on raw superstars nxt and smackdown hope this helped

How does The Undertaker escape during Buried Alive matches like when mankind buried him and then he sticked his hand out?

i see undertaker vs Kane in buried alive match for the world heavywieght champion undertaker almost win but nxt come to fight him right now he is buried alive but next year he will return to wwe you know what you he are deadman he never give up like that he will return. rest in peace

How do you sign up for nxt?

If you mean,how can you be a wrestler on NXT,then you need to become a wrestler,get signed to fcw and you will get to be on nxt.

Will there be a WWE nxt championship?

No nxt is like a try out and to get to the top of wwe nxt will be over sometime and ecw will be back......

How do you get to WWE NXT on On-Demand step by step?

see where nxt is then audition nxt is every 2 years but you have to be good at it.

Where can you get building instructions for Lego mindstorms NXT?

nxt log