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can you use caw on smack down vs raw 2009

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Q: Can you use caw on Smackdown vs Raw 2009?
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How do you make a the rock caw on Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

Use a caw website to find a formula.

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On Smackdown vs Raw 2009 if you make a caw you use him in career mode and he can get abilities and better overall.

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Use a caw (create a wrestler) website to find the formula.

How do you use a caw in universe mode Smackdown vs raw?

Just select your caw for a custom match or a match already set up on the universe mode.

Unlock everything on raw vs smackdown 2009?

Use Mark Henry

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Use flash disk

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i would use carlito

Do you have to use the ds pen to play smackdown vs. raw 2009?

I don''t know

Where do go to get special referee in Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

You cannont use the Special Referee mode in Smackdown vs RAW 2009, it has been removed from the game. really you can be a special reff you be triple h in road to wrestlemania

Are you able to use a created wrestler in the season mode on Smackdown vs Raw 2006?

It wouldn't make sense, to create a wrestler, and not be able to take them through the season mode, so yeah. You can in pervious versions, of Smackdown games, so why would they, all of a sudden, decide not to allow you to take your CAW through season mode?! if you can i smackdown vs raw you can

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you use the brears by going on how to play smackdown vs raw.

Can you choose wwe Stephanie McMahon as a superstar in the game of wwe smackdown vs raw 2009?

No,you can only use her on Raw 2 game for xbox.