Uc merced
University of California, Merced or UC Merced.
definitely UCD
the bus
5 years (opened in 2005)
There are 10: UC San Diego UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Santa Barbara UC Davis UC Berkeley UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Fransisco UC Santa Cruz
I talked to a teacher at UC Merced and he said that you need at least a 3.0 to get in but i don't know about the test scores.
5,837 Undergraduate Students as of 2013It's on Wikipedia! :)
Honestly, because it is still new it is pretty easy to get in. 85% chance you'll get in ( this is my own statistic). I believe that UC Merced is a great school, known for their research and their number one major is biology. They are getting up there in the ranks! Apply and become a bobcat!
Yes you have to go on thee website and apply for one.The website is called admissions.ucdavis.edu/finances/scholarshipsWhen you get to the top of the page it should say education assistance.
UCSF's mascot is the bear. But a much more nurturing, sensitive one than the brute at Cal
UCLA is part of the University of California, which include 10 campuses: In the North: UC San Francisco (medical school), UC Berkeley (Cal), UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Merced, and in the South: UC Los Angeles (UCLA), UC Riverside (UCR), UC San Diego (UCSD), UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), and UC Irvine (UCI). The President of the UC system is Mark Yudof. UCLA has a Chancellor, who oversees all campus operations and growth. The current Chancellor is Gene Block, former Provost at the University of Virginia.