Do children of congressional people go to college paid for by the taxpayers .. other than student loans or grants (under perks for congressmen/woman)
yes but it depends on which collegde your going to.
Yes, because you pay for EVERYTHING. It's not like you don't pay for anything. Thank God there are men like you in this world.
Congressional pay increase is found in Amendment 27.
27th Amendment.
An obligor who misses a court appearance might be ordered to pay for college tuition. If the obligee misses that appearance, it is unlikely that the court would enter such an order.
I have pay for my college or is free for me
The document that addressed congressional pay raises is the Federal Payment and Flexibility Act of 2019. This act established the framework for annual cost-of-living adjustments for Members of Congress, which effectively determines their pay raises. The purpose of the document was to ensure transparency and accountability in the process of determining congressional salaries.
go in to college and let them pay for the college
Members of Congress are paid out of the U.S. Treasury.American Government
form_title=Set Up a College Savings Account form_header=Start saving early to pay for your children's college education. What is the current age of the child?=_ How much do you want to save?=_ How will you be funding this account?=_
congressional pay