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Q: Would a pregnancy test set off a metal detector?
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Can you hook a smoke detector up to a switch to make it sound?

Sure, but what you would have to do would be to put the switch in the TEST circuit of the detector.

Would wife take lie detecter test if she cheated?

Lie detector tests are not 100% accurate and although given by law they are not admissibly in a court of law and using a lie detector is not used for public use; therefore it would not make any point for your wife to take a lie detector test. Hypothetically, if your wife did cheat she would probably decline taking the test.

Should you break up with your boyfriend for asking you to take a lie detector test?

I would. A relationship is based on trust. It's obvious he doesn't trust your word on the issue. No. But ask him if the detector is full qualified or homologued. And he must test the detector. You have to ask him if he trust you.

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He felt his troubles were a test from God.I took a mid-term test in geometry. The home pregnancy test showed negative. Electricians test each circuit.

What would you do to get the pH of human blood?

To maintain the pH of human blood, the body relies on the bicarbonate buffer system, which helps to regulate the pH within a narrow range around 7.4. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding excessive intake of acidic foods or beverages can help maintain the proper pH of blood. If there are significant pH imbalances, medical intervention may be necessary to restore the body's acid-base balance.

How many days ofter ovulation would a pregnancy test be positive?

After 16 days of ovulation a pregnancy test be positive.

If you used water instead of urine on a pregnancy test what would happen?

Nothing. The pregnancy test uses your hormones inside your urine to predict pregnancy. If this hcg hormone is not present, the test will not show you a positive result. The only thing you would see would be the "control line".

How far along in the pregnancy do you have to be to get a DNA test?

Your baby would get the DNA test for paternity after it is born. If you are at risk for a genetic defect, then your doctor would discuss that with you during your pregnancy.

Would cops use a lie detector test for theft?

only if you stole the elephant from the museum may-be

Could a UTI change the results of your pregnancy test?

No, a UTI would not change the results of a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test detects the presence of the hormone hCG in the urine, which is only produced during pregnancy. A UTI does not affect hCG levels.

What would a blood test be called?

a pregnancy blood test is called Beta HCG

You have the coil would a test show if you were pregnant?

Yes, the coil does not affect a pregnancy test.