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Q: Will you get more for your Canadian dollar if you exchange when you get to the Philipinnes?
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Where can one exchange Canadian dollar to US dollar?

To exchange Canadian dollars to US dollars, log on to CoinMill, where you can convert your Canadian dollars to US and many more countries you would like to exchange.

Where can one find Canadian dollar exchange rates?

One can find Canadian dollar exchange rates at Bank of Canada, XE, Travelex, Coin Mill, X-Rates, Payza, Paypal, FX-Rate, Bloomberg, Google Finance, Finance Yahoo and many more.

Why is the Canadian five dollar billworth more than the value of ink and paper?

That's not always true. The value of each depends on the exchange rates between the two countries. Sometimes the Canadian dollar is worth more than the American dollar and sometimes the opposite, depending on economic conditions.

Which currency used in Canada?

A lot of places near the border will accept a U.S. dollar for a Canadian dollar, but that's because the exchange rate is favorable. In general you need to use Canadian currency, which you can easily obtain by exchanging your U.S dollars at any bank in Canada and most in the U.S. You can also use traveler's checks and credit cards at places that accept them, but the fees for the former and sometimes poor exchange rates for the latter may make it more expensive to do so. Typically using a credit card will get you a favorable exchange rate, as the company does it in much larger quantities, reducing the overhead. Most border crossings have an money exchange.

Is Australian money worth more than Canadian money?

All international exchange rates fluctuate, but at the present time (September 4, 2012) the Canadian dollar is worth ninety nine Australian cents. So yes, the Australian dollar is worth slightly more.

A higher currency makes a country's exports more expensive?

It has to do with exchange rates. Consider the US and Canada. If one US dollar is worth $1.50 Canadian, then US dollars buy 50% more Canadian products than an equal number of Canadian dollars would. But if the value of the Canadian dollar rises, so that it is worth the same as an American dollar, then American dollars buy only the same amount of Canadian products as an equal number of Canadian dollars.

Does Canadian money have more value than US money?

Canadian money actually has less value than the United States dollar. A United States dollar in Canada is worth about $1.11 in Canadian money as of September 15, 2014. This rate of exchange does not stay a constant value.

What is the unit of money for Canada?

Canada's unit of money is the Canadian dollar (CAD). The sign is $. Visit the related links for more information.

When was the last time the canadian dollar was worth more than the american dollar?

Right now! At the time of writing (May 3rd 2012) 1 Canadian dollar is worth 1.01 US dollar.

Which is worth more the Saudi Arabia Riyal or the Canadian Dollar?

of course Canadian dollar is worth more as Saudi riyal can only bee use in Saudi Arabia but Canadian dollar is world wide i remember i has Jordanian dinars which worth more thanksaudi riyal i couldn't sell it in Dubai Arab money are useless

When is the best time to exchange Sterling to US dollar?

Obviously when the pound is stronger than the dollar on the world's currency exchange markets so that you get more dollars for you pounds.

Why does the us dollar worth more than the Canadian dollar?

Actually, as of today (October 8, 2012) the Canadian dollar is worth more! The Canadian dollar is worth about $1.02 U.S. 1 U.S. dollar is only worth 98 Canadian cents. There are many reasons why the relative values of currencies change. - One reason is speculation by currency market traders. - Another is interest rates (Although they haven't changed much recently, I find this fairly easy to understand). If interest rates are higher in Canada, then people in the U.S. will want to invest their money in Canada. To do this, they will need Canadian dollars, and since more people will be wanting to buy Canadian dollars, they will become more expensive. - A similar argument can apply to real estate. If people in the U.S. feel that Canadian real estate is more likely to increase in value than U.S. American real estate, they would want to invest in Canada ... resulting in 'upward pressure' on the Canadian dollar.