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Q: Why does the Norway coin have a hole in the middle?
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What type of coin has a hole in the middle and made of silver in the uk?

No British coin is minted with a hole in the middle. You may have a privately minted coin, token or medallion. A little more detail would be helpful.

What value is a Hong Kong coin with a hole in the middle?

More than one Hong Kong coin had a hole in the middle. These coins were made for many years. Be more descriptive. Add the date and words on the coin, then I can answer your question.

1923 silver dollar with hole in middle?

The value is just for the silver in the coin

Coin hole in middle 12439 good for 5 cent trade?

Please reword you question so that it means something.

Where is Stokksund Norway?

In Sør-Trøndelag, which is at about the middle of Norway.

What does norge on a coin mean?

"Norge" is the Norwegian word for Norway. If "norge" is found on a coin, it indicates that the coin was minted in Norway.

What is the money Emperor Qin invented called?

A round copper coin with a square hole in the middle was called Wuzhu was circulated nationwide

What European coin has a hole in it?

There have been several European coins with holes in them in the 20th century. Spain had a hole in their 5-peseta coin from 1990 through 2002, when they switched to the euro. France, Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Hungary, Finland, Romania, Poland, and Yugoslavia all issued coins with holes in them since 1900.

Is Norway in the Middle East?

No. Norway is in northern Europe, specifically Scandinavia.

Is a old coin with a hole in it worth more then one that does not have a hole?

No it's the hole that kills collectible value. If the coin is silver it has scrap value

What is a noreg coin?

There is no specific information available about a "noreg coin." It is possible that it may refer to a coin from Noreg, which is an alternative name for Norway. Norway has its own currency called the Norwegian krone.