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An American minister of Air defense told John Diefenbaker that planes are old and missiles are the new thing, so JD listened to him and canceled the Avro Arrow and laid off all the people who were working on the world's fastest plane...little did he know over 250 of those people went to the United States and joined a group which is now known today as NASA.

According to the movie "The Arrow," the above is true, and the implication is made that the Canadian interceptors were discarded in favor of US missiles to defend North America. According to The History Channel, the Avro-Canada factory was thoroughly infiltrated by the KGB, and it was considered a security leak. Curiously, the General Dynamics F102 Delta Dagger and F106 Delta Dart bore an amazing resemblance to the Arrow. The difference was that the Arrow was a genuine two-place strategic interceptor. The F102 and F106 were flown from the ground, with pilot as a backup.


Well actually they didnt, there improving.

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Q: Why did they stop making the Canadian Made Avro Arrow?
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The duration of Canadian Made is 1800.0 seconds.

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