A stamp collector is called a philatelist; the hobby is called philately.
A numismatist.
According to my research, the hobby of collection photographs is simply called "photography collecting." A person who engages in photography collecting is a "photography collector." Yeah, I was hoping for a fancy term, too.
PHILLUMENY Name of Matchbox Collecting Hobby is Phillumeny
Hi...the Hobby of collecting things off the beach....is called..."Beachcombing"
Record collecting is the hobby of collecting music. Although the main focus is on vinyl records, all formats of recorded music are collected.
A coin collection is called, well, a coin collection. The hobby of collecting coins is called numismatics.
A hobby called numismatics.
The hobby of collecting obituaries is called taphophilia. It involves a fascination with cemeteries, gravestones, and death-related topics. Some people find comfort, historical value, or artistic inspiration in collecting obituaries.
Entomology is the study of insects.
Bibliophile is the term for a book collector.
i think the official name is psychopath