

Where do the military eat?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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13y ago

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The U.S. Military, and most others eat in base duty in Cafeterias or in special food places on base. On patrol, they usually eat M.R.E. ((Meal ready to eat)) Which can be prepared and eaten on the go. In the Navy, meals are usually eaten in the ship's cafeteria.

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More than likely, SPARTAN trainees ate (drastically improved) MREs, or Made-Ready-to-Eat packages that todays Military uses.

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You cannot. Canadian military rations (known as Individual Meal Packs or IMP's) are only for military use and cannot be sold to civilians. You can however order American military rations (known as Meals Ready to Eat or MRE's) online.

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They don't eat in the cockpit.ANS 2 - Many pilots DO eat in the cockpit, particularly of dual seat military and civilian aircraft. There may be 'rules ' against it, it may be frowned upon - but believe me it does happen !