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Metal swords developed gradually from the scythe. The scythe is a farming tool used to harvest grain. It is a long, single edged blade attached to a wooden handle. Swords were developed indepentantly by different people on different continents. No one knows for sure what year they first appeared, but they were certainly around shortly after metal forging was invented in each of the civilizations that eventually had them. There are records and/or drawings of people having swords as far back as the ancient Egyptians. The styles and sizes of swords have developed differently and changed over time. The classic two edged, cross shaped sword that most people think of when the see or hear the word, developed around the year 800 AD in Western Europe. Most earlier swords looked more like macheties and usually had only one sharp edge.

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Q: When were metal swords invented?
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What are Ancient Greece swords made of?

metal probally or iron (burned?)and i don't even know if ancient greece had swords back then knives probally but other than that metal or iron.

Who invented medieval swords?

The sword comes from the ancient Chinese. The medieval swords come up from different ages like iron age, bronze age, middle ages, late middle ages and the modern era. In medieval swords so many swords are categorized so specifically we cannot say who invented these.