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The Incas played Tlachtili, which is a sport with protective gear and the losers become sacrifices to the gods. While the winner can take stuff away from the loser such as clothing or money. Even their wife and kids. They also made ceramics usually animals, birds, waves, or cats.en invented some games

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Q: What were the Incas jobs and hobbies?
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What were some jobs of the Incas?

The occupation of the ancient Incas was mostly farmers in a society that had three classes [castes] of citizens. The Upper class [Royal Nobility], Lower class [the farmesrs] and slaves. In the slaves there were included prisoners of war and those that they were slaves by birth [children born in captivity].

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Who did the Incas interact with?

incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody

What kind of ministry jobs are there?

There are many types of ministry jobs, such as education, architecture, or forestry. You should pick one that would interest you the most, or the one that meets your hobbies.

How are jobs and hobbies different?

Jobs are what you do to earn money, while hobbies are what you do in your spare time.For instance, a person may work each weekday, working overtime for extra money when available. In the evenings or when not working, the same person may have a hobby (past time) as an amateur artist, etc.

What was the job specialization of the incas?

The Incas had a well-organized system of job specialization. They assigned specific tasks to individuals based on their skills and abilities. Some common specialized jobs in the Inca Empire included farmers, craftsmen, soldiers, administrators, and religious leaders.

What did incas were?

The Incas were clothes