he has 7 sisters and 7 brothers
dog farm animal donkey
he was christian, muslim&jewish. He was a very passionate vegan an believed that plants and animals were his friends.
Benjamin Banneker's hobbies were math,astronomy and writing
Benjamin Franklin loved reading.writing,reading,science,poetry,number puzzels
He loved to hunt ducks. He also liked to play billiards and take long walks.
Benjamin Franklin was deeply interested in the scientific world. He also liked to write.In his childhood he liked swimming and building. That's what I can say off the top of my head, I hope it helps!
He invented many useful items and have a vivid imagination. He owned stores and shops. He invented things; such as: glass armonica, bifocal glasses, created first firehouse, library, and hospitle in the US. He had many other inventions and other hobbies....
He does hobbies.
his hobbies are Basketball
No, the word "hobbies" is not an adverb.The word "hobbies" is a noun.
what she hobbies