Kangaroo rats (desert rats) eat mostly seeds from desert plants and some vegetation when available.
The duration of The Desert Rats - film - is 1.47 hours.
The Desert Rats - film - was created on 1953-05-08.
desert rats were good fighters
A desert is not a landform. A landform is a feature that is part of the landscape. Any desert is a landscape rather than a landform.
The Desert Rats were the 7th Armoured Brigade of the British army.
The benefits of a desert garden landscape are less watering and less maintenance.
Desert Rats vs. Afrika Korps happened in 2004.
The Desert Rats were specifially the 7th Armoured Brigade within the 8th Army in North Africa in WW2 fighting against Rommels' Afrika Korps. Their symbol is the jerboa, a desert rat. They went on to Italy, and fought in the D Day offensive in Normandy & the Rhine crossing in 1945.
Desert Rats - 1988 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:L
Snakes, birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and a number of other predators feed on desert rats (aka: kangaroo rats).