A British 1911 sterling silver Florin (Two Shillings)(George V), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £95 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £5 to £40 GBP.
A British 1911 sterling silver Florin (Two Shillings)(George V)(Proof FDC), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £175 GBP.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
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The British "Godless Florin" was minted only as a "Pattern" or "Proof" coin in 1848 and for general circulation in 1849. It was called the "Godless Florin" the because the Latin words, "DEI GRATIA" or the initials "D.G." (by the Grace of God) were omitted from the usual inscription.
A British 1849 sterling silver "Godless" Florin (Two Shillings)(Victoria), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £350 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £20 to £175 GBP.
A British 1849 sterling silver "Godless" Florin (Two Shillings)(Victoria)(WW obliterated), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £475 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £35 to £250 GBP.
NOTE - The reverse of these coins is upside down to the obverse. This is normal.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
The first British Florin was introduced in 1849.
The British 1849 "Godless Florin" was a new coin first issued into circulation in 1849. There was a problem with at least one of the dies used and WW (designer William Wyons initials) were subsequently partially obliterated during the minting process.
Such a coin does not exist. The first British Florin was introduced into circulation in 1849.
Such a coin does not exist. The Florin (Two Shillings) was first minted for general circulation in 1849.
The first British Florin was issued in 1849, so it is unlikely that there would be a Half Florin coin minted any earlier. There was never a British coin called a Half Florin. If one existed, a Half Florin would be One Shilling.
A British 1848 sterling silver (godless) Florin (Two Shillings)(Victoria)(Proof FDC), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £2,050 GBP. These coins were never issued for general circulation, only as a Proof coin. NOTE - The reverse of these coins is upside down to the obverse. This is normal. The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
The British Florin (Two Shillings) was first issued in 1848 as a "Pattern" or "Proof FDC" coin. These are high value coins and will be stashed away in a wealthy collectors safe. The Florin was released for general circulation in 1849 without the usual "DEI GRATIA" or "D:G:" in the legend giving rise to the title, the "Godless Florin". The date is after "REGINA" on the obverse. Due to the public outcry over the "Godless Florin", Florins minted from then on, had the "D:G:" included in the legend. These Florins, known as a "Gothic Florin", were produced from 1851 to 1887 and were so-called because the inscriptions are in Gothic style. The date appears on the obverse in Roman numerals after "reg:f:d:", typically - mdccclii or 1852. Due to the Gothic script, it is difficult to read. Additional information The Florin was a very early attempt at decimalisation, being one tenth of a Pound. When looking for dates on coins, do not forget to check the edge.
Royal British Bank was created in 1849.
A British 1846 Florin (Two Shillings) does not exist. The British Florin (Two Shillings) was first issued as a Proof coin in 1848 and first issued as a general circulation coin in 1849.
A British 1852 (mdccclii) sterling silver Florin (Two Shillings)(Victoria), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £400 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £18 to £175 GBP. A British 1852 (mdccclii) sterling silver Florin (Two Shillings)(Victoria)(Roman numerals)(Proof FDC), could fetch up to £2,000 GBP. NOTE - The reverse of these coins is upside down to the obverse. This is normal. The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
A British 1849 copper Farthing (QV), circulated but still in good condition, might fetch anything from £40 to £325 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.
George Anson - British Army general - died on 1849-11-04.