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This is an antique record player

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Q: What is the value of an Am Gramophone Bridgeport Conn. series D92380 this is an old record player?
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Related questions

What came after the record player?

it was a Gramophone record player that is a smaller version of a record player

What can be compared with gramophone?

Record player.

What is the difference between the gramophone and a record player?

The gramophone used a large bell shaped device to amplify the sound. A record player amplifies sound electronically and sends it through a dynamic speaker.

What music playing device came directly after the gramophone?

the record player

What is the shape of gramophone?

A gramaphone is a record player so it's a square with a cirle on it.

What were other names for the phonograph?

In Europe we call it Gramophone or record player refer to "phonograph"

What does a gramophone does?

a gramophone was used for communication ================ "Gramophone" is the name given in Britain to early phonographs. A gramophone is a record player. (The term is still used in the title of some organizations, publications, and prizes.) So, the answer to your question is that a gramophone uses a pointed piece of metal (a "needle"")produces sound (usually words or music) by converting the grooves on a disc (record) into vibrations that produce sound waves. In other words, gramophone is used to play records.

Why does the Grammy Awards resembles to an old record player?

Because the awards are for music (and music related categories). Grammy is short for gramophone - an old-style record player.

Why does the Grammy award resembles an old record player?

Because the awards are for music (and music related categories). Grammy is short for gramophone - an old-style record player.

What is another name for the phonograph?

The Gramophone, turntable, record player. Company names, victor talking machine. Hope its helpfull.

Who made vinyl record?

In 1888, Emile Berliner invented the lateral-cut disc records for the phonograph (gramophone). His record label was called "Berliner Gramophone."

What were the Grammy Awards originally called?

It is short for grammophone. This is what the actual award is shaped as. Grammophones played music way before records, cds, cassettes etc. existed