Coins featuring George V were issued from 1911 to 1936 inclusive by Britain and most of the 50 plus British Empire/Commonwealth countries.
Please be a little more specific with the details of your question.
King George III Halfpennies were only minted in 1770 to 1775, 1799, 1806 and 1807. Please provide a date.
Due to Britains ongoing expenses with various wars in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, there were very few silver or copper coins minted, subsequently there were a great many privately minted tokens and counterfeit coins produced.
To get an estimate of value on a privately minted token, you need to provide the details of the inscription on the token.
George Monro - British Army officer - was born in 1700.
King George
King George III
A British 1700 Sixpence, circulated but still in good condition, might fetch anything up to £1,350 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.
How many people lived in British New York in the 1700
George Heathcote was born in 1700.
George Semple was born in 1700.
In 1700 there were no "francs" struck!
probably the british.
George Booth - pirate - died in 1700.
George Hazard was born on 1700-10-09.