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With the possible exception of traders tokens (with the traders business name on them), there were no "Australian" pennies minted prior to 1911.

The only Pennies circulating in Australia prior to 1911 were British Pennies.

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13y ago

Australian Pennies were minted in most years from 1911 to 1964 inclusive.

Depending on the condition and the year, Australian Pennies may be worth anything from $0.50 to $500,000 AUD.

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Q: What is the value of a 19xx Australian Penny?
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Such a coin does not exist. The first Australian Penny was minted in 1911.

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All Australian Penny questions are updated.

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There was no 1970 Papal Visit coin issued in Australia.

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No general circulation Australian Penny was ever minted in silver. If you have an Australian 1911 silver Penny, it is because somebody plated it, and it is subsequently worthless as a collectible coin. There were a few silver Pennies minted in later years, but they were minted as a trial and never released.