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Q: What is the value of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee coin with reverse side showing three lions in centre with a harp on one side and a dragon on right and four generations of the royal family on the?
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What is the value of a Queen Victoria 60 year commemorative coin with four heads on the reverse and Queen Victoria on the front commemorating her Diamond Jubilee?

There is not much I can tell you about this. It is a souvenir medalette, not a coin. It celebrates Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee (60 Years) 1837-1897. It shows Queen Victoria and three other Royal Family members whom I cannot put a name to. In excellent condition, it might get £20 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.

Is there a cheat to get to reverse world on Pokemon diamond?

No because it didn't exist yet.

What is the value of an 1892 Queen Victoria jubilee coin?

1892 was not Queen Victoria's Jubilee year. 1887 was Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee year (50 years). The only relevance of the term Jubilee is that most gold and silver coins minted during the period 1887 to 1893 had what is referred to as the Jubilee Bust of Queen Victoria on the obverse. What is the denomination of your coin, what is the design on the reverse, what is it made from and what is the diameter?

Can you reverse action replay 100 percent pokedex complete code for Pokemon diamond?

uh no. You can't reverse it to 1 or anything. Its permanent and will stay there.

How do you get to the reverse world diamond and pearl?

The Distortion world is only available in Pokemon Platinum

Diamond shaped knitting pattern?

A diamond-shaped knitting pattern is popular on sweaters and vests. The diamond pattern is made by knitting and purling, increasing on each row until you get to the mid-row on the diamond, then working the pattern in reverse to complete the diamond.

How do you get to the reverse world on Pokemon Platinum?

once you get so far in the game, an event similar to the ones in Pokemon Pearl and Diamond will happen, only with giratina and the Reverse world

Where do you get the legenderies arceus makes?

Palkia pearl spehear pillar Dialga diamond spehear pillar Giratina Platnum reverse world Pearl and diamond renigade cave

How do you caught Giratina in Pokemon diamond?

go to the unknown cave and get through 50 doors with out failing and you will go to the reverse world and go to spear pillar in the reverse world and gratitena will be there

Where do you have to go to get to Giratina?

in platinum you get it at the reverse world in pearl and diamond you get in a garden between pastoria city and i forget the other one

What is reverse socialisation?

Reverse socialization refers to the process in which younger generations influence the beliefs, values, and behaviors of older generations. This can occur when younger individuals introduce older individuals to new technologies, trends, or cultural practices, leading to a shift in the behavior or attitudes of the older generation.

If your Pokemon card is holo rare will it have a circle star or diamond?

A dot is a common, a diamond is an uncommon, a star is a rare, and if it's a holo, it will have a shiny picture and a star. Reverse holos will have the non-picture part shiny.