The Canadian Stock Exchange is separated into different groups. TMX Group is one of the bigger stock exchanges in Canada. Canadian National Stock Exchange is another.
The Ticker name of Family Dollar is FDO The ticker symbol for Family Dollar Stores is FDO and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The stock exchange symbol for Bank of America Corporation in BAC.
The stock symbol for Sandstorm Gold is "SAND" on the Toronto Stock Exchange and "SAND" on the New York Stock Exchange.
The ticker symbol for Black & Decker is BDK and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
The main stock exchange in China is the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with the stock symbol "SH". Another major exchange is the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with the stock symbol "SZ". These symbols are typically followed by numeric codes specific to individual companies.
The ticker symbol for Weyerhaeuser is WY and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange.
BCS in NY Stock exchange and BARC in London Stock Exchange
There is no find on that company at the New York Stock Exchange
The common NYSE stock exchange symbol for Calpine Corporation is CPN.