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£6-£7 per kilo

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Q: What is the scrap value of e p n s cutlery?
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What does chatarra el baston mean?

My guess is that you have the words arranged incorrectly. "Chatarra" is like scrap metal, and "bastón" is a cane. Él bastón chatarra would mean "the metal cane" (implying that the metal is scrap metal.)

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obviously not much unless you collect them, if so what are they worth to you? Aluminum scrap value about 60 cents per pound scrap value, They don't take up much space, put them i n the back bottom of you sock drawer and will them to your grandson, they may be worth something then, in 25 years.

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Nineteen is spelled as N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N.

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n is the no. so therefore a n value is the numerical or fix value e.g. 7^n, where n is 2 your result will be 49.

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C program for exponential series?

exponential series #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int i,x,n; float e=1,denominator=1; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of x,n\n"); scanf("%d,%d",&x,&n); while(i<=n) { e+=(float)(pow(x,i)/denominator); denominator*=i; ++i; } printf("answer is %f",e); }

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