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Sorry to burst your bubble, but fairies are mythical creatures thus don't exist.

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Q: What is the potion to become a fairy wings?
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What is the potion to become a fairy with wings?

There is no potion but go on ehow and type it in and it will tell you

Ho do you become a fairy?

Buy wings and a costume.

How do you become a fairy with wings and powers but without getting any smaller?

No one can become a fairy. Fairies are fantasy creatures.

How can you become a fairy with powers and wings?

Quite simply, you can't.

How do you say 'fairy wings' in German?

fairy wings = Feenflügel

On Virtual Family Kingdom how do you buy the fairy wings?

Sorry, but you can not buy fairy wings, they are an epic quest prize. Also, there is also magic to become small, sit, and other actions.

What spell is there to become a real fairy with wings?

No such spell exists. There are no such things as spells or fairies.

What is the potion for being a real fairy with wings?

the answer to this is get 1 piece of an apple. 1 wildflower. 3 blades of grass. and a blender ..................mix ing. well and when bathing or shower

Is thiere a poshen to be a fairy with wings?

There isn't a fairy in reality,let alone poshen for wings

How can you grow fairy wings in 1 day?

It is not possible to grow fairy wings in 1 day as they are a fictional concept. Wings are not something that humans can naturally grow.

How do you grow fairy wings?

unfortunately you can't grow fairy wings but if you imagine you are a fairy you can be one even though nobody will be able to tell

How do you tell you're a fairy?

If you have wings and can grant wishes you can be a fairy