This is a part of a story that I know, it is that God closed the gates of Heaven, the people who remained in Heaven became Angles, the people who were outside the gates became fairies and for some reason they "Pay a Tithe" to Hell, because of this, If you want the proper story look up fairies on Wikipedia.
Fairies are mythical creatures, they do not exist in real life. The origin of the belief in fairies was in ancient times some people believed that everything had a god associated with it. They called them fairies. They are, in actuality, demons, according to the Bible. That is what any god other than the one true God really is, a demon, in other words, a fallen angel. They are not something to be protected.
Rainbow fairies Weather fairies Jewel fairies Pet fairies Fun Day fairies Petal fairies Dance Fairies Music Fairies Sports fairies
There are Tinker Fairies (green), Nature Fairies (brown-gold), Water Fairies (Blue), Flower Fairies (pink/red), and Light Fairies (yellow)!
Some of the fairies can make us fly.The fairies are tooth fairies.
Woodland fairies are called sprites. Water fairies are nymphs, and regular fairies are called fairies.
There are 12 sets as of right now. 1. The Dance Fairies 2. The Fun Day Fairies 3. The Jewel Fairies 4. The Magical Animal Fairies 5. The Music Fairies 6. The Party Fairies 7. The Pet Fairies 8. The Petal Fairies 9. The Rainbow Fairies (the first and original) 10. The Sports Fairies 11. The Weather Fairies 12. Special Editions
Fairies symbolizenature, love, beauty, and sometimes homosexuality
The collective noun for fairy is a herd of fairies. A collective noun for 'mystical fairies' is a 'frolic of fairies'.
Fairies do live in Australia but most of the fairies live in Amercia. ALL fairies live in your mind.
No. Fairies do not exist and it is impossible to become a fairy.
There are fairies everywhere.