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The knife on the end of a gun is a bayonet.

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Q: What is the name of the knives on the ends of guns?
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Related questions

What are long steel knives attached to the ends of guns called?

Long or short, they are known as Bayonets.

Do people die more from guns or knives?

It is spelled knives.

Did Elvis Presley collect knives?

collected guns

Do Secret Service people use knives for defense?

== == They probably use folding knives as backups to their guns.

Are more Americans killed with guns or knives?

More people are killed in the US with firearms than knives.

Which kills more people guns or knives?

guns do because people dont knife that much

What type of weapons did the US spies use?

Guns and knives.

What were the hijackers from flight 93 armed with?

Bombs,guns,and knives

What did people use before knives?

Swords and guns maybe...

Why did the whigs and the tories fight in olden times?

they had guns with knives

How was Benjamin Franklin dangerous?

he liked knives and machine guns!

What are Steven Tylers hobbies?

Collecting guns and knives, motorcycles, swimming