It differs from species to species. For example, let us take Western sand dollars. Their scientific name is Dendraster excentricus.
Family name is Dendstrasteridae
Genus is Dendraster.
Species is Dendraster excentricus .
Genus and species is Clypeaster subdepressus
Sand dollars are actually an entire order of invertebrate animals. Therefor, there are many genera of sand dollars. However, the Common Sand Dollar belongs to the genus Echinarachnius.
The domestic cat is of the genus Felis.Other genera of the cat family, Family Felidae include:Acinonyx (cheetah)CaracalCatopumaLeopardusLeptailurus (serval)LynxNeofelis (clouded leopards, 2 species)Panthera (jaguar, lion, leopard, tiger)ProfelisPumaUncia (snow leopard)There are about 38 species in Felidae in total.
In taxonomy this refers to the hierarchy of the 3 domains: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.
Laganum ocalanum is the smallest sand dollar at a minimum adult size of 1/8 of an inch. This species of sand dollar originated in the late Eocene epoch not long before 33.6 mya, which means this species survived the Eocene-Oligocene extinction.
They are not listed as protected species.
Every living organism has a scientific name that consists of two parts: a genus and a species. This naming system is called binomial nomenclature and was developed by Carl Linnaeus. For example, humans are known as Homo sapiens, where Homo is the genus and sapiens is the species.
The term "sand dollar" refers to any animal in the order Clypeasteroida which includes several different families.
Sand Dollar refers to species of extremely flattened, burrowingechinoids belonging to the order Clypeasteroida. Some species within the order, not quite as flat, are known as sea biscuits. Related animals include thesea urchins, sea cucumbers and starfish. The Common Sand Dollar, Echinarachnius parma, is widespread in ocean waters of the northern hemisphere, from the intertidal zone to considerable depths. It can be found in temperate and tropical zones. The Keyhole Sand Dollar (three species, genus Mellita) is found on a wide range of coasts in and around the Caribbean Sea.Sand Dollar food consists of crustacean larvae, small copepods, diatoms, algae and detritus. While all above is a living organism, the last (detritus) is non-living particulate organic material (as opposed to dissolved organic material). It typically includes the bodies or fragments of dead organisms as well as fecal material.So the answer is YES. Sand Dollar is decomposers.
I am not sure which species of sand fox you are referring to, however, both the Tibetan and Ruppells sand fox are in the genus Vulpes - and therefore are related to Fennec foxes.
There are several species of sand dollars found in marine ecosystems, including the common sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) and the keyhole sand dollar (Mellita quinquiesperforata). These creatures are echinoderms that belong to the same family as sea urchins and starfish. Sand dollars are known for their flat, round bodies and distinctive five-part radial symmetry.
"Genus" comes from a Latin word that means something like "family."It's the first half of the Linnaean binomial taxonomy.So, for example, domestic cats are Felis catus. (The genus name is always capitalized, the species name is always not.) The closely related wildcat is Felis silvestris. The also closely related sand cat is Felis margarita. The somewhat more distantly related lion, while still a felid, is in a different genus, Panthera (specificially, Panthera leo).